Local Links and Phone Numbers:
Town of Rainy River Office
Rainy River Clinic
Rainy River Hospital
Rainy River Drug Store:
Rainy River Post Office:
Rainy River (NWHU) Health Unit:
Rainy River Community Centre (Rec Centre):
Rainy River Library
Beaver Mills (Grocery Store):
Alterna Credit Union:
Woods Quality Bakery:
Rainy River Legion:
Andrews's Snack Shack:
- Phone: (807) 852-3244
- Email: rainyriver@tbaytel.net
- website: www.rainyriver.ca
- Phone: (807) 852-3222
- Phone: (807) 274-3266
- Phone: (807) 852-3264
- Phone: (807) 852-3660
- Phone: (807) 852-3268
- Phone: (807) 852-4446
Michael Dawber, CEO/Librarian [he/him/his]
334 4th St., Box 308, Rainy River ON P0W 1L0
807.852.3375 | libraryrr@gmail.com
www.rainyriverlibrary.com | Visit us on Instagram!
~ “A vital meeting place for culture-seeking and culture-making”
- Phone: (807) 852-1275
- Phone: (807) 852-3840
- Web Site: alterna.ca
- Phone: (807) 852-3830
- Woods Quality Bakery Facebook
- Phone: (807) 852-3544
- Phone: (807) 852-4028
- https://andrewssnackshack.com/
Other Resources
To learn about safe shopping online click on the link below:
Check out the following, click on the link:
Fort Frances: https://fortfrances.ca/
Dryden: https://drydengogetters.com/
Kenora: https://www.kenoraseniors.ca/
Or call Wesway at 888 623 2353
Or call RRDSSAB at 274 5349
Directory of Seniors Services Fort Frances & Area
Keep up to date with upcoming events by checking out our calendar!
What’s New
Find out what’s happening in your community!
Journey Around The World – Sri Lanka
Successfully completed our first Cultural Workshop on "Sri Lanka". It was a fun filled with event with learning a lot about the culture, going through their artifacts, getting
Just Do It! – 2025 Active Living Fair
The Rainy River Seniors Activity Depot Presents "Just Do It!" 2025 Active Living Fair Held on January 09th 2025 from 10 am to 3 pm at Rainy River
Rainy River Seniors Depot 2023: A summary of our year January 2023: New years day Smear and Potluck in our PJs! Everyone is welcome to our monthly meetings
The Wednesday group have been enjoying coffee and a visit every Wednesday from 10 to 12. Smear players spend every Tuesday and Friday afternoon honing their skills to
March 1, 2023 General meeting agenda
Rainy River Seniors Depot Agenda March 1, 2023 Welcome: President Rebecca Wood Minutes of February meeting: Secretary Norma Johnston Treasurers Report: Cathy Seguin Activity Report: Linda Budreau NOTE:
December 2022 Newsletter
December 2022 Newsletter Our WEBSITE ADDRESS IS: rainyriverseniordepot.ca The calendar pages are flipping way faster than they used to and it is nearly a new year! Since our
The Depot this November has become a beehive of activity and excitement. *New SENIOR ACTIVE LIVING CENTRE (SALC) GRANT FOR US We have received news that for the
Rainy River Senior Active Living Fair Event
Rainy River Senior Activity Depot 3 Great Days with information for everyone! Atwood Avenue Active Living Fair Thursday, November 3rd Health and Wellness
October 2022 Newsletter
Rainy River Senior Activity Centre “The Depot” October 2022 Newsletter Leaves are turning to gold and the summer heat has been drifting away. Members are back from their
Computer Lessons
Computer slide shows are available for you to check. Click the title and then the link after it opens.
How to Use Facebook
To view the lesson about Facebook click on the link below: Facebook
Gmail: Google Mail
Click the link below to view the lesson on Gmail. Gmail
Google Docs
To learn all about Google Docs click on the link below: GOOGLE DOCS
Word Processing
A quick look at Word Processing. Click on the title (not picture). Word Processing_ What is it_
Audible App
To view this slide show click on the link below: Audible
Google Contacts
Click on the link to view lesson on Google Contacts: Google Contacts
Computer Scams: Be Aware
To view the slide show dealing with computer scams click the link below: computer scams
Google Photos
To view the slide show click on the following link: Google Photos
Learning Zoom
Learning Zoom a great conferencing application. Click on the link below to view slide show: zoom
Libby (Library App)
To view the lesson on how to download a reading or audio book from the library click on the following link: Libby for the Library
Using Messenger
A learning tool to help you master Messenger, one of the most popular APPs for communicating with your family and friends by voice, video and text. Click on
Managing Your Calendar
Your Calendar can a very handy resource for you. Reminding of events, planning your time and so on. View this slide show to get a better understanding of
What is Settings all about?
The following slide show looks at settings. A basic look at some the features that setting provides. Click on the link to open the slide: Learning about Settings
Looking at the Browser, Search, Email and other basics:
An interesting slide show that will give you some basics of browsing the Internet. The video clips are active. Click on the link to activate the slide show:
Learning About the Keyboard
This slide show illustrates the uses of the virtual keyboard on your device. The video clips are active. Click on the following link to view slideshow: The Keyboard
Using MarkUp
Click on the link below to learn about the fun APP 'MarkUp'. The video clips are active. MarkUp
Using FaceTime
To view this slide show demonstrating how to use FaceTime, click on the link below: There are videos available and when you play them they will open in
List of Topics for Computer Course
Following is a list of possible topics that we can deal with. Take this list and check off the topics that interest you and add others that are
Brain Puzzles
Check this section for puzzles to challenger your brain. Click the title of the item then click the link to open the article.
Brain Teaser #14
:Hello Everyone Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory, WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and WORD PUZZLES to sharpen your brain. This puzzle answers begin with the letter "W" Enjoy
Brain Teaser #13
“Keeping Brains Young and Healthy” Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory, Click on the Attachment.WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and PUZZLES to sharpen your brain. Enjoy Gary Adams To
Brain Teaser #12
Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy This weeks Trivia answers all begin with the letter “E”. Enjoy Gary Adams To troy out this weeks puzzle click on the link
Brain Teaser #11
Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy, Avoid Dementia 1. Have An Active Healthy Brain 2. Develop Habits That Build Memory 3. Have An Active Social Life 4. Maintain a
Brain Booster #10
Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy, Avoid Dementia 1. Have An Active Healthy Brain 2. Develop Habits That Build Memory 3. Have An Active Social Life 4. Maintain a
Brain Booster #9
“Keeping Brains Young and Healthy” :Hello Everyone Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory, Click on the Attachment.WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and PUZZLES to sharpen your brain. This weeks Trivia
Brain Booster #8
Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy :Hello Everyone Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory, Click on the Attachment.WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and PUZZLES to sharpen your brain. This weeks
Brain Booster #7
“To Keep Brains and Body Young and Healthy” :Hello Everyone Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory, Click on the Attachment.WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and WORD PUZZLES to sharpen
Keeping Your Brain Healthy #6
“Keeping Brains Young and Healthy” Hello Everyone: Here is your weekly copy of Mind and MemoryWEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and WORD PUZZLES to sharpen your brain.Please feel free to forward to
Brain Booster #5
“Keeping Brains Young and Healthy” Hello Everyone: Here is your weekly copy of Mind and MemoryWEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and WORD PUZZLES to sharpen your brain.Please feel free to forward to
Find The Money: Puzzle
To play Find the Money puzzle click on the following link: TUESDAY FEB 2 FIND THE MONEY
Brain Booster #4
Gary’s “BUILD A BETTER BRAIN” Avoid Stress and Dementia ! Hello Everyone: Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory BRAIN BUILDER It is distributed free to our
Brain Booster #3
“Keeping Brains Young and Healthy” Hello Everyone: Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTERIt is distributed free to our seniors and friends during this
“Keeping Brains Young and Healthy” Hello Everyone: Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and a WORD PUZZLE to stretch your brain. It is
Hello Everyone: Here is your weekly copy of Mind and Memory WEEKLY BRAIN BOOSTER and WORD PUZZLES to stretch your brain. Please feel free to forward to retired seniors,