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News and Posts
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Our Computer classes are now complete and only individual bookings are available. To book a time call Don Ricci at 271-0886 or call Rebecca Woods. The Computer lessons are posted on the Resource Page (click link)
The computer class enjoys a meal provided for them to celebrate the conclusion of the computer lessons.
It looks like winter is here to stay. The cold weather is going to keep most of us indoors. It is great to have our facility to keep us active and together during these winter days.
All About The Seniors Depot
Other important information you might want to know.
You can have a wonderful time visiting with your friends, have an exciting game of cards, watch a movie, work on your project or just sit and relax. No stress, learn how to use your devices, catch up on the latest. Join in on the numerous activities planned. Come on out and see for yourself.
There is an annnual fee of $20 to join the club and some other smaller fees for special activities. This helps to defray the cost of coffee and snacks and other incidental expenses. For example if you want to join in the Smear games it would cost you $6.00, most of which is returned as prizes and a small portions for the coffee and snacks.
The last class was held September 30 at the depot. It was a complete success with many seniors taking part in the learning.
Yes, all of the lessons that were taught in the course is posted on our web site. The slide shows can be viewed by going to the Resource Page and scrolling up. Each lesson is available by clicking on the title and then on the link that appears.
Yes. You can book help on an individual basis by calling Don Ricci at 271-0886 or contact Rebecca Woods. This will be available as long as the need is there.
A senior web site can keep us updated to all the activities available to each of us. It gives us important phone numbers, links to other interesting information, informs us of upcoming events. Check out our web site.
Yes. For the time being we are required to wear a mask in the depot. This practice is for our safety and the safety of others. We are hoping this practice will soon be over. Please respect the safety of our elderly.
Yes! Several slide presentation have been posted on our web site. They are found on the RESOURCES page. Clink on the Resources Link (coloured), then scroll down to the lessons and follow the directions to view the slide shows.

“If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. “
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”