March 2022 Newsletter

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    Once again, the Seniors Depot is up and running. We held our first meeting since December on March 2nd. We had a great turnout. It was good to see so many back here after our long, cold, covid winter.

    After our meeting we had green beverages and lovely green lunch hosted by Carol and Ida.

    A number of papers with Irish jokes and quotes were passed around the table and each person read one of them aloud. This prompted laughter and also a few Irish tales from members, some of whom have Irish connections. We sang Happy Birthday to Rosemary and Donna and shared cake for dessert.


    After lunch we watched a replay of the Winnipeg Ukrainian Men’s Choir singing the Ukrainian National Anthem at the Winnipeg Jets hockey game. It was a touching moment in support of the Ukraine. As they continued with the Canadian Anthem, one by one our members joined in as we thought of the poor people whose homeland was being invaded. This was followed by Irish music with lyrics to sing along to.


Our president, Myrna has not been well and has decided to step down. We will miss her leadership, but she plans to be back soon to play smear with us.
Our year-end is at the end of March, so memberships are due now, and we will hold our annual election at the next meeting on April 6th... Lunch will be provided at $5.00 and an activity will follow.

We are looking for nominations for: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Events Coordinator. Our Treasurer, Cathy will remain in her position as she knows everything about keeping the books and does it so well.

Sign-up sheets are at the depot for Swedish Weaving, Tea cup craft and Easter Cards.

We have dates for upcoming events:

April 6 11 a.m. Meeting and election.
March 16 1 p.m. An Irish movie and popcorn:
(One thing better than a movie is sharing it with friends-bring one).
April 13 1 p.m. Easter card-making with Barb
Sign up at depot. $10 for 3 cards.

An Irish Blesssing

    May joy and peace surround you,
    Contentment latch your door,
    And happiness be with you now
    And bless you forevermore.