About Us
We’re here for each other…
Welcome to Rainy River Senior Activity Depot. The focus of this group is to provide a central location in Rainy River to meet without prejudice, plan events and organize activities that are of interest to the seniors in our town and rural surroundings. We are located in the bright, sunny West end of the old CN train station.
Membership is encouraged but not mandatory.
Who is a senior? I’ve heard people who have retired saying, “I’m not a senior!” If you are over 55 years old you are considered a senior for our group. Seniors are people who still have energy and ready to head into new adventures. Our older seniors enjoy a safe place to meet and share with us their years of wisdom and some of the best jokes ever.
We are able to meet again:
(Health regulations allowing):
- Computer classes ended on Thursday, September 30.
- Individual instructions are still available and you can book time with Don Ricci by calling 271-0886.
- To refresh what you learned, Computer lessons and slide shows are posted on this web site on the Resources Page.
- The Rainy River Seniors have been busy this fall, playing cards twice a week.
- Wednesday morning is open for visiting, doing crafts, watching TV, or whatever one wants to do.
We have our WIFI connection up and running and a new TV available for senior use.

“Yoga is the unifying art of transforming dharma into action, be it through inspired thought, properly nurturing our children, a painting, a kindness or an act of peace. “
“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.”